Textbook Illustrations
A collection of traditional and digital artworks created for anatomy textbooks and atlases.

Carbon Dust: Human Skull
Goal: To create a realistic and anatomically correct rendering of the human skull using the carbon dust technique. Labelled in Adobe Illustrator to communicate key anatomical features.
Client: Prof. Dave Mazierski
Media: Carbon dust, Adobe Illustrator
Format: Textbook illustration
Audience: Anatomy students
Date: October 2019
Neuroanatomy: Brainstem
Goal: To create illustrations that depict the external appearance of the brainstem on a single-page layout suitable for a neuroanatomy atlas.
Client: Prof. Dave Mazierski
Media: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop
Format: Textbook illustration
Audience: Anatomy students
Date: February 2020

Ligaments of the Flexed Knee Joint
Goal: To realistically illustrate the ligaments of the flexed knee joint. Sketch based on a specimen from Grant’s Museum.
Client: Prof. Dave Mazierski
Media: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator
Format: Textbook illustration
Audience: Anatomy students
Date: December 2019
Neuroanatomy: Pituitary Gland
Goal: To render a page for a mock neuroanatomy atlas. Original sketch was created by Colleen Paris and shape outlines were created in Adobe Illustrator by Chloe Ma. This project was developed to help familiarize ourselves with the design process of following style sheets and collaborating with other artists.
Client: Prof. Dave Mazierski
Media: Adobe Photoshop
Format: Textbook illustration
Audience: Anatomy students
Date: April 2020

Illustration by Colleen Paris

Rendered by Cassie Hillock-Watling
Neuroanatomy: Blood Supply to the Brain
Goal: To create a preliminary sketch of the blood supply to the brain suitable for a mock neuroanatomy atlas. Shape outlines were created in Adobe Illustrator by Eric Chung and the final render by Cassie Hillock-Watling. This project was developed to help familiarize ourselves with the design process of following style sheets and collaborating with other artists.
Client: Prof. Dave Mazierski
Media: Procreate
Format: Textbook illustration
Audience: Anatomy students
Date: March 2020